Putnam Plastics offers a comprehensive worksite wellness program that includes providing you, as an employee, with your own personal health coach. Stay informed, get motivated and have a tailored approach to reaching your wellness goals.

Health Coaching Services

Hi, I'm Sara Gustavesen and I'm the Wellness Coordinator at Putnam Plastics. I have my Master's in Health Promotion, 20+ years of experience personal training, teaching group fitness and guiding individuals to lead healthier lifestyles. Here are a few areas that you may be interested :

Weight Management, Exercise Programming, Nutrition Guidance, Stress Management, Smoking Cessation, & Work-Life Balance.

Fill out the form below to let me know a bit more about what you are looking for before we get started! Thanks for reaching out and I look forward to working with you.

Before your session...

Thank you for completing these questions before we get started

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule my appointment?

Once you have completed this form, Sara will reach out to you and try to find a time that is most suitable for you. You can opt to communicate here on this platform, through e-mail, video chat or phone calls. Some employees prefer to chat once a week to get started but then may opt for maintenance calls every-other week or once per month, etc. It completely depends upon your needs.

Can my spouse participate?

Yes, this is a benefit for Putnam Plastics employees, their spouse and even dependents 18+ years of age.

Does my information stay confidential?

Absolutely! Building a rapport in health coaching is very important. Employees should feel at ease discussing things that are not always comfortable to talk about. If there is a concern for one's safety, that may need to be reported but not without the employee being notified ahead of time.